Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Marriage is cool, but it's a two-house deal!"

Calvin Houston couldn't believe it. In just three days, he was supposed to tie the knot.

Out of the blue, his fiancee drops the bomb – she wants two houses.

"Tracey, didn't we hash this out? Buying one fully-furnished house is stress-free. A four-bedroom crib is more than enough for the two of us. No need for the extra real estate drama,"

Calvin was casually dressed and looking sharp, reasoned at the sales office.

But the money spent on the one house had already wiped out their savings.

His folks were all about paying everything upfront, trying to make Calvin and Tracey Bryan's post-wedding life a breeze.

Calvin couldn't wrap his head around why Tracey suddenly did a 180.

"We're talking two houses, and they both have to have my name on the deed. It's not up for discussion. If you've got a problem with that, we might as well call it quits!"

Tracey declared, sitting on the sofa with zero room for negotiation.

"Tracey..." Calvin attempted to appeal to reason.

"Don't call me!" Tracey turned away, refusing to listen.

"Mom, Dad..."

Calvin knew his fiancee's temper, and he reluctantly turned to his almost-in-laws for help.

But there they were, Ben Bryan and Yolanda Wallace, sipping tea on the sofa, acting like they were at a casual get-together.

Ben casually chimed in, "Calvin, it's just a second house. Having a backup crib will level up your life."

Calvin was furious at this suggestion.

He and Tracey had already settled on one house; the whole buying-two-houses thing was never on the agenda.

Now Tracey was insisting on two, acting like their family's money grew on trees.

"Tracey, how about this? We start with this one, and when we pop out a kid, we can splurge on another one later. Trust me, we've got a countryside retreat, so you won't have to worry about us cramping your style. Sound good?" Calvin suggested, trying to smooth things over.

Tracey's sudden flip-flop didn't sit well with Tara and Jared Houston, Tracey's future in-laws.

But for the sake of their son, they bit their tongues.

"Nope, two houses, and the dowry is now three hundred grand. Otherwise, your son's stuck being a bachelor for life!"

Tracey showed no mercy for the three years they spent together.

Her words were cutting.

"Mr. Bryan..."

As the elder, even if Jared was livid, he could not lash out at Tracey. He could only step forward to negotiate with Ben.

However, just as Jared began to speak, Tracey's mother immediately retorted, "Don't! The marriage between your son and my daughter is not even confirmed. Don't make premature claims. It could tarnish Tracey's reputation."

Her voice was raised intentionally so that those around could hear.

The expressions of Jared and Tara hardened, turning bitter.

Their son was nearing thirty, and finally met a woman he liked. Over the past three years, they had been nothing but accommodating to Tracey.

But now, the Bryans turned around and started treating them unfairly on purpose. It was truly outrageous!

Calvin knew his parents very well. If it weren't for their worry about him not being able to find a bride, they'd never let themselves be pushed around like that.

He felt sorry for his parents and blamed himself.

"Calvin, what's up with your family? It's just two houses and a three-hundred-thousand dowry. You guys can afford it. Quit being stubborn. Can't you make it work?"

Tracey's younger brother, Frank Bryan was getting impatient and was cursing and ranting.

Calvin's anger was about to explode.

Keeping his cool, he turned to Tracey and asked, "I want to know why you suddenly want to up the dowry and insist on two houses?"

Unimpressed with Calvin's attitude, Tracey's expression turned icy.

"Alright, you want to know? Frank found someone, and her family's asking for a dowry and a house."

"My family is all in for her, and I don't want my parents to stress. So, I'm covering the dowry and the house as the big sister."

"Here are my terms: two houses, one can be smaller for us, but my brother's place has to be a hundred and fifty square meters minimum. The dowry has to be three hundred grand, and your parents will handle the mortgage."

"After we tie the knot, only my family gets the house keys. That's my bottom line. Take it or leave it!"

Tracey stated her terms like they were a walk in the park.

Calvin's anger was reaching its peak.

Turns out, he had been dead wrong all along. Tracey was a full-fledged "support your bro" enthusiast!

For the past three years, she had played her part beautifully, only to pull a fast one on him at a critical moment, catching him totally off guard!

His whole family had fallen for her act!

"Your brother's tying the knot, and if you don't want your folks to break a sweat, you're suggesting Calvin's parents foot the bill for your brother's pad and dowry? Buy a house, slap Calvin's parents with the mortgage, and not even let them live there?"

"Tracey, is that even human talk?"

Calvin's buddy Jack Branch, who'd come along to check out the house, just couldn't take it anymore and went off on the spot.

"How is what I'm saying not making sense? The conditions I've laid out are fair. This is how many sisters in my hometown roll. Calvin, you can reject my conditions; there's no shortage of folks eager to marry me. If you don't love me, just spit it out, don't waste my time!"

Tracey shot Jack a disdainful look, not giving him the time of day.

She also couldn't care less about Calvin's feelings.

Rejecting her conditions meant not loving her; this wasn't just a nagging issue anymore, it was Calvin being pushed to the edge.

Now, Frank chimed in, "Calvin, my sister's like a goddess in the eyes of many. You're punching above your weight just being with her. Can't your family show a little sincerity? Let me tell you, if your parents don't pony up, there's no wedding!"

Frank's words made it sound like Calvin's family money was blowing in with the wind, and not marrying his sister would be a massive loss for Calvin.

Jack's forehead veins bulged, and his fists were clenched tight.

He thought twice about throwing punches, considering Calvin and Tracey's relationship, but the frustration was eating him up.

Jared and Tara exchanged awkward glances, both looking uncomfortable.

"Calvin, we've got some savings, and I can borrow a bit more from relatives to buy two houses for you."

Tara, still worried about her son, was willing to endure hardships for his sake.

"Nope, that money's needed for other stuff, hands off."

Calvin disagreed.

"Calvin, I've got two hundred grand here; I'll wire it to you now, and I'll hit up some friends later."

Jack pulled out his phone to make the transfer.

"Jack, I can't take money you earned from your business."

Calvin stopped Jack.

"Calvin, we can earn it back if it's lost; don't jump the gun."

"Calvin, I haven't settled on a business project; the money can wait. Your marriage is more important."

Parents and brothers all tried to talk some sense into Calvin.

Meanwhile, the Bryan family trio sat on the sofa, sipping tea and playing with their phones, acting like this whole thing had nothing to do with them.


[The Ultimate Support System has been activated!]

[The system is bound.]

Suddenly, a voice echoed in Calvin's head.

[Detecting the host's state of mind. The host has two options:]

[Option one: Drop Tracey Bryan, give the Bryan family a reality check, and get a cash reward of five million.]

[Option two: Kiss your dignity goodbye, snatch all assets from parents and brothers, meet Tracey's conditions, become Tracey's loyal sidekick, and the system will automatically vanish.]

[Please make a choice within ten seconds!]

What the heck? was this divine intervention?

It was an all-powerful system.

Calvin widened his eyes.

With this golden ticket, why bother making a choice?

"Mom, Dad, Jack, this isn't about money; it's a matter of principle!"

Calvin flat out rejected Tracey's conditions.

Especially after seeing Tracey's lack of care for this relationship, he knew she didn't love him.

His gaze turned ice-cold, as if he'd become a different person.

"Tracey, listen up. I won't chip in a dime for this cash and house. You, the crazy 'support your bro' fanatic, don't deserve to be my wife. From this moment on, we're done! Return the dowry by nightfall, or see you in court!"